Contact Us

Office hours: 9:00-4:00 p.m. school days.
Office: 919-998-6757
Fax: 919-998-3402

Postal Address:
Research Triangle High School
P.O. Box 13453
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Street Address:
3106 E. NC 54
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Our Mission

The mission of Research Triangle High School is to increase access to globally competitive Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education for students and teachers across North Carolina, by incubating, proving and scaling innovative models of teaching and learning.

Who Can Apply

To apply to Research Triangle High School your student must currently be in 8th grade and reside in North Carolina. RTHS will have extensive programming in place to support students who have the ability to complete Algebra I in the 9th grade but who have not been well prepared to do so, as well as an accelerated curriculum for those students who are prepared for more advanced studies.