Online Application

About Us

RTHS is an independent public charter high school, which is a technical way of saying that we are accountable to the state and the public, don’t charge tuition, and welcome all applicants through the Lottery process.
We see school differently. We see a place where the walls keep out the cold, not the world. We see a place where what a student does is more important than where the student comes from, where success is rewarded but the effort that provides it is cherished. We see a place where students work together to construct within and between themselves the skills and habits an uncertain future requires. We seek to move students from dependent to independent learners; from receivers to creators of knowledge. We offer an unconventional way of experiencing conventional knowledge through experiential learning, and we bring the science of RTP into the curriculum. We ask a lot of our students, but have built the support structures needed to help them reach the high bar. We bring an entrepreneurial spirit to proven educational practice and current research, seeking to build a school that changes the lives of its own students as well as helping other schools to change theirs. 

About This Site
This site ( is intended to help us automate 3 key aspects of the administration of the school: 
1) Application/Lottery
2) New Student Registration 
3) Current Student Re-enrollment

The Lottery is a state regulated process by which all Charter Schools accept applicants and award seats. 

The New Student Registration process allows us to collect all the necessary student and family demographic information necessary to build complete student records for our use throughout your student's time at RTHS. 

The Re-enrollment process allows you to confirm your intention to remain at RTHS, to review the key demographic data that we have on file for your student / family and for you to provide revisions to that information. Re-enrollment is not required to maintain your student's seat. However, it is helpful to us in planning for our annual lottery drawing and maintaining our student records.
Keys to Student Success

Our goal is to graduate young people prepared for college-level studies, and able to demonstrate the 21st century skills that Research Triangle Park (RTP) companies seek. We have chosen the “flipped” method of instruction specifically to enable all who attend RTHS to achieve those goals.